Friday, December 4, 2009


1) What blogging activity did you like the best? Why?
my favorite activity was making superhero!
i made a midoriman and it was a lot of fun :)
2) What blogging activity did you like the least? Why?
every activity was vary intersting.
but making newspaper activity was a littele bit hard for me.
3) What activities would you like to do? Give one (1) suggestion for an activity for future ELI-Blogging classes to do.
id like to make some characters like a superhero. its very exciting!!!
4) What is one (1) new skill that you learned in this class? How will you this skill in the future?
i think that my new skill is writing, and i believe that this skill help me writing papers.

Friday, November 20, 2009

my hobby

my hobby is playing the piano!
iv learned since 6 years old.
at first, i could not play at all =(
i practiced very hard in order to be a good pianist!
when i was elementary and junior high school student,
i took part in some contests. i paracticed about 3-4 hours every day.
and i have grade of piano.
my favorite composer is Schumann and his music are amazing.
this is my favorite music of him.
i played this music at performance when i was 14 years old.
if i were a superhero, id like to be green man!
i will be a vegetarian and fight with bad guy by vitamin power!
i will be kind to women, kids and old people!
the background music is walk this way by Aerosmith and RunDMC!

Friday, November 13, 2009

About Drama Class

I went to the ELI drama class to observe the class today 14:40~15:25. The class was at PIE room 107. Students did some activities to improve their English skill. The teacher is Ms. Pakize and she explained some activities. Students made groups and picked up a papar( There are some words on the papre) They acted and had to use the words. It is called "Role Play". Students discussed about their play. The first group words were girl friend, make up, and microwaive. The second group's one were chair, electricity, and computer. The third group's one were chicken, pen, and basketball. The next group's one were tomato, window, and tree. The last group's one were sheep, color, and sleep. After playing, they did "Liar Liar", and i joined.
I think that the class is very hard, because they had a lot of things to do. I prefer e-magazine to drama class, because I don't like to play. But I think that it is a good way to practice English.

Friday, November 6, 2009

this song is very good. i like this song's lyrics, and sing about love. when i listened this song first time i moved. i listened this song at my room. my roommate listened and recommend me. this song reminds me my feeling when i was young. my favorite part of this song is the main, i empathize! id like to recommend this song especially for girls, because this song is soooooo good and i think that almost girls can empathize.

about e-magazine

i like this class, because...
i enjoy making my blog!
iv never made blog, so its very exciting!
i hope that i will improve my computer skill!
i like Kristina. she is very kind!
i think that her pierces are cute!
i like her fashion!